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hotel forza

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Hotel se nalazi u staroj jezgri Baške, nedaleko od glavne plaže.  Od 13 dvokrevetnih soba i 3 suita,11  ima  veličanstven pogled na more. Hotel je izgrađen 2015.g.  rekonstrukcijom  postojeće kuće iz 1891. g. Kameni zidovi i grede zadržani su u većini soba i savršeno su stopljeni s  modernim i umjetničkim detaljima. I sobe i kupaonice svojevrstan su unikat. Od kolorita  do slike ili zavjese, ormara ili kreveta, stilski je sve  do detalja uređeno. 


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The previous highly positive reviews for Hotel Forza are accurate and well deserved

The Hotel Forza is easily the best of 4 very good hotels we stayed in while in Croatia.
The hotel is perfectly located, the staff are very welcoming and efficient, the rooms beautifully appointed and spotlessly clean and the food is excellent - the set menu for guests is also very good value. We had the top rooms which were not cheap, even out of season - but then everything is more expensive in Croatia these days and they were well worth the price.All in all the hotel richly deserves the many previous 5* reviews - which must be genuine, based on our experience - and we highly recommend it.

Nov 6, 2018

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